Spring AOP Flashcards

Spring AOP - 10 Cards
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Cross Cutting Concerns
Common aspects (Security, Performance, Logging) applicable to all layers
Aspect Oriented Programming
Programming approach used to implement Cross Cutting Concerns
Code to execute (e.g., Logging, Authentication)
Expression to identify intercepted method calls (e.g., execution(* com.in28minutes.aop.data.*.*(..))).
A combination of Advice (what to do) AND Pointcut (when to intercept a method call)
Before Annotation
Intercept and do something before a method is called
After Annotation
Intercept and do something after a method is executed regardless of its success or failure
AfterReturning Annotation
Intercept and do something ONLY when a method executes successfully
AfterThrowing Annotation
Intercept and do something ONLY when a method throws an exception
Around Annotation
Intercept and do something before and after a method execution