Full Stack Application

Full Stack - 12 Cards
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A popular JavaScript library used to build single page applications (SPA)
Create React App
A recommended way to create a new SPA using React
npm run build
A command used to build a production-ready version of the app that is optimized for performance
A file that contains the front-end project dependencies
A modular building block for React apps that allows for reusability and easier management
A way to write HTML in React Components
A JavaScript file that contains code for a specific component or functionality
A built-in React object used to store data or information about the component
useState hook
A function in React that allows adding state to Function Components
Virtual DOM
A virtual representation of a web page kept in memory by React to identify changes and synchronize them to the HTML page
An object used to pass data or information to a React Component that remains constant throughout the component's lifetime.
React Developer Tools
A Chrome extension used to inspect React Component Hierarchies along with their state and props.