DP 900 - Azure Relational Databases

Azure Relational Databases - 8 Cards
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Azure SQL Database
Fully managed service for cloud-born applications
vCore-based SQL Database - Purchase Model
Choose between provisioned or serverless compute. Supports BYOL.
DTU-based SQL Database - Purchase Model
Bundled compute and storage packages with balanced allocation of resources. Use for small and medium databases.
Single database
Fully managed, predictable performance, serverless compute, hyperscale storage
Elastic pool
Cost-effective for multiple databases, manage multiple databases within a fixed budget
Database server
Manage groups of single databases and elastic pools, access and backup management configured at server level
SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines
Full control over SQL Server instance and OS for migration to Azure
Azure SQL managed instance
Near 100% SQL Server compatibility, recommended for on-premise db migration. Addnl features - cross-database queries, SQL Server Agent.