AI 900 - Machine Learning Fundamentals

Machine Learning Fundamentals - 19 Cards
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ML Process Result
A model which can predict
Features (What to use? - area, location,size ..) and Label (What to predict? - house price)
Supervised Learning
Clearly Defined Ouput - Features and Labels
Label is a numeric value with a range of possibilities - How much will it rain tomorrow?
Label has limited set of possibilities - Will it rain today?
Unsupervised Learning
No Label
Divide customers into groups - Group similar entities based on their features
Steps in Machine Learning Projects
Obtain data, clean data, feature engineering, create model, evaluate accuracy, and deploy the model.
Creating a model
Checking if the model works
Using the model for predictions
Inputs in a dataset
Output/Prediction in a dataset
Training Dataset
Dataset used to create a model
Validation Dataset
Dataset used to validate the model and choose the right algorithm
Testing Dataset
Dataset used for final testing before deployment
Azure Machine Learning
Simplifies creation of your models
Automated machine learning
Build custom models with minimum ML expertise
Azure Machine Learning designer
Build Your Own Models with Data Scientists